Media pattern and
There are few state-controlled media and even
those at the local level. They could hardly be called independent as they
select e.g. talk show guests according to political preference. Most of the
media are being controlled by oligarchs, including President Poroshenko’s “5th
Channel”. The constitution guarantees
freedom of speech and expression, and libel is not criminalised. The media
landscape features considerable pluralism; however, this variety is rather
based on a variety of vested interests. Business moguls with differing
political interests own and influence TVs with the highest audience rating,
i.e. Kolomoysky (1+1), Dmytro Firtash (Inter), Rinat Akhmetov (Ukraine), Viktor
Pinchuk (Novy Kanal, STB, ICTV), Andriy Podshchypkov (112),
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